Three hours of gnarly surgery and eight hours of post op and I’m back in my hotel and doing pretty well! I appreciate all the expressions of concern from this wonderful community!
Thanks to everyone who checked in to offer good wishes, prayers and encouragement!
Awesome! Please rest and relax as much as possible! – Sam
Thanks Sam, actually the surgeon has me on a pretty active schedule. I just brisk walked a couple of laps around the hotel and did pretty well. I weaned myself off of the oxygen and the opioids a day early and am going to try to stay off of them. But I’ll follow doctor’s orders very closely, one time being a compulsive rule follower should pay off!
Nice going Steve, best wishes on your recovery
Thanks Dave, I really appreciate it.
you’re the best, steve. gotta get back fit so we can attend the arkansas derby next spring!
Freddy, if you can believe it I’ve never been to the racetrack here! But I’ve always wanted to go. I’d love to meet up and let a pro show me how that works!
Woo hoo! Now we’re waiting for your next post…
I think I have an idea for it, thanks Adam!
Glad to hear! Continued success on your recovery!
Thanks Dragons, life is good.
So, have you decided whether you’ll be playing tennis later today, or fishing? 😉
OK FI, none of that for a few weeks I’m afraid but I have made a few walking laps around the hotel and we went to Target for some essentials. They just aren’t going to let me take a rip at anything for awhile, but fast walking is fine. I may go fish for small fish on light tackle from the dock at a friend’s lake. I can’t hook the boat up to the truck for weeks, my max lift weight is a gallon of milk they say.
Glad things are good. Reading the comments, you moving around helps with the recovery. Keep it up!
Thanks RE, definitely and getting off those opioids removed a lot of brain fog. What’s left now is just my normal level of confusion.
Great to hear from you! Very happy to see you are healthy and moving forward… your readers stopped breathing a little bit until today :>) We are happy to see you back!
Thanks friend, the response really humbled me and I truly appreciate it.
Great to hear, Steve. Makes me wonder, tho, what in the world are you doing writing a blog post on the day of your surgery!? Wink.
Hey Fritz, after past experience my wife sequestered my smart phone for hours after the surgery. Apparently I must have made some inappropriate calls or texts in the past after coming out from under anesthesia?
Glad it all went well, I hope the recovery goes just as smoothly.
Its going swimmingly so far! Thanks Indeedably, best wishes from friends are powerful medicine!
Good to hear. Get some rest. We can argue later. All jokes aside, glad you are doing well.
I’m clocking a full one mile walk every morning at a reasonably brisk pace, and resting a lot between mini-walks around the house. Thanks!
Glad to hear you’re back and things went well. Now try to relax and follow the doctor’s orders.
I am Gary, thanks, which includes him telling me to get off my lazy duff every hour and walk around!
Glad to see it!!
Great to hear. Rest up and look forward to hearing more from you real soon!
I’m so ready to get back out and run and play tennis but alas, that’s at least five weeks away, maybe longer. But hey, I’m here and feeling good so no complaints!
Fantastic news Steve. Before you know it, the day will come when you’re back to old self – or better!
Thanks Steve, I believe you are right. But for now I can milk this for wifely sympathy to the max!
Good to hear. Speedy recovery.
Thank you Francis, I’m humbled that people I have only met through posts and comments have shown their concern. It is good medicine!